SBA 504

The SBA 504 loan program offers subordinated, 为健康发展的小企业提供固定利率融资. 长期,固定利率融资(10-20年)和合理利率(近长期美国.S. Treasury bond rates), 使504计划成为一个有吸引力和有效的经济发展融资工具.

融资类型:504计划只适用于购买固定资产:土地, building, and equipment with a useful life of 10 years or more. 营运资金,库存和风险资本不符合条件.

SBA 504 financing is "permanent" take-out mortgage financing. 必须利用中期或建设融资来完成项目.

符合条件的企业:符合条件的借款人是用户,营利企业. Ineligible businesses include not-for-profit, passive investment and real estate companies, financial institutions, developer/landlord arrangement, ventures, private recreation facilities and unregulated media firms.

规模要求:符合条件的企业净资产不得超过8.0 million. 其税后净利润不得超过平均3美元.0 million during the previous two years. Should a company fail to meet these standards, 如果满足规模要求,该公司仍将被视为小型企业, based on the number of employees, 根据不同的NAICS代码,不同的行业有哪些不同.

How the Program Works
结构:504贷款通常采用50-40-10的结构,其中50%的项目由受监管的贷方提供资金,该贷方在所有项目抵押品上获得第一抵押贷款. 40%由南达科他州开发公司提供, 该公司出售由SBA担保的债券,并获得次级抵押品地位. 剩余的10%由借款人以现金股本注入的形式提供. 这是最低的股权贡献,取决于项目, and available personal resources, the SDDC may require a larger contribution.
*初创企业或单一用途设施需要额外出资5%的股权. 如果企业同时满足这两个标准,则需要20%的股权贡献.

受监管的贷款人:至少50%的项目成本必须由“非联邦”来源提供, such as commercial banks, S&l、储蓄银行、保险公司和股权出资. 贷款人将获得用贷款所得获得的资产的优先地位. The maturity of this loan must be at least 7 to 10 years, depending on the amortization of the SBA loan, and have an interest rate which is "legal and reasonable,” fixed or variable and may be renegotiable. The renegotiation formula must be stated in advance.

南达科他州开发公司:符合条件的企业最多可借款5美元,000,000 with a minimum of a $50,000 loan being obtained through the SDDC. 小型制造业可获得的贷款金额为5,500,000美元. 项目的SDDC部分不得超过符合条件的项目成本的40%, nor can the SDDC portion exceed the first mortgage amount. 该计划的目标是每65美元至少创造一个就业机会,000 of debenture or one job for each $100,000 for small manufacturing. 个人/公司担保要求所有拥有企业10%或以上所有权的个人或实体,并且可能要求担任对还款能力至关重要的关键职位的经理提供担保, regardless of their ownership percentages.

The SDDC sells debentures, guaranteed by SBA, 贷款期限为10年或20年,根据贷款所得资产使用寿命的加权平均值计算. 利率在贷款期限内是固定的,在债券出售时确定, which is based on the current average market yield. 504贷款有各种各样的一次性费用. The one-time processing fees total approximately 3.25 percent and are added to the loan amount. 持续的服务费用被加到利率中,并包括支付给中央服务代理的费用, the SDDC and SBA. In addition, a 0.第一按揭贷款人须向小企业管理局支付5%的费用.


Category: State Incentives, Grants & Loans

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